{Guest Posts} Loving Your Prenatal Self

Today’s guest post comes to you from my dear friend and Licensed Massage Therapist, Sherley Accimé.  She has been actively practicing Alternative Healing for the past 3 years since becoming licensed as a Massage Therapist.

Sherley’s knowledge of Indigenous Medicine stems from her late grandmothers’ teachings, both Herbalists and “Medicine Women”.

Along with the hands-on techniques that she provides in each treatment, Sherley makes it a point to engage her clients in partaking in their own natural healing process by providing exercise, dietary tips and other necessary resources. Take advantage of her services by browsing here.  

You and The First Trimester

While you and your mate enthusiastically prepare for the arrival of a bundle of joy, the entire process including the changes in your body will affect you in not so pleasant ways.

I have had the honor to work with women throughout their pregnancies, also have polled several new moms including those on their 3rd child on the gestational experience and their response is the same: the first few weeks are a combo of happiness, anxiety, morning sickness -which can happen at any time in the day, throughout the pregnancy.

In this article I will attempt to offer indigenous tips to keep a balanced “Body Mind Spirit” for you and your baby. The highlighted words will be for your interest in more comprehensive information on wellness.

Intuition: With a new Life in the womb, outside of all the emotional positive stress, your intuition is also expanding. Follow it! It is your ultimate guide. Take time for yourself and meditate. Meditation is simply creating a space to experience stillness and hear this growing instinct.

Breath Work: Meditation comes with using the Breath to produce stillness. The act of breathing is not only life sustaining but it also calms the nervous system and produce deep relaxation. Taking long, methodical breath will quiet your Mind, your Body and your Spirit.

Snacks: For the purpose of proper nutrition and alleviating certain uncomfortable symptoms, I will make suggestions that may deviate from your intuition and palate.

  • Hydration-Taking in fresh ginger tea or chamomile tea can substitute or complement water intake as it has flavor and the natural properties of these herbs also suppress nausea and excess salivation. The key here is to drink lots of fluids.
  • Saltine crackers-Munching on crackers or cookies depending on your mood will not only stabilize your stomach but it will habituate your digestive system to accept a nutritious meal. Regarding a healthy meal, be sure to eat in small portions and frequently.

Aromatherapy: The sense of smell is the only one of the five senses that travels directly to the brain. For some women, certain scents just “turn their stomach”. My recommendation here is to inhale the scent of an essential oil such as peppermint or nutmeg that can, not only can suppress nausea/vomiting, but increase the appetite respectively.

Massage: Western Medicine offers a conservative approach regarding bodywork during the first trimester as a contraindication. This is due to the risk of possible miscarriages that can occur during this stage. However, a trained practitioner can provide safe and effective treatment from the first trimester until delivery. There are many benefits to having prenatal & post-partum massage. I would recommend consulting with your physician and finding a qualified massage therapist/holistic practitioner who can tailor your treatments and educate you in your process.

With this succinct homeopathic guideline, I trust you have some coping tools to reduce undue stress as you contemplate Mommyhood.

I have been given the opportunity to be a “guest blogger” on Mommy Posh, so I kindly ask for your review, any related questions concerning holistic wellness & motherhood.  Stay tuned for my next article on the “Benefits Of Pregnancy Massage”. Here is a video of a summation Morning Sickness.

In Good Health~


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Boil water, pour it over a few leaves of Iceberg or Romaine lettuce in a pitcher, add a couple of slices of lemon. Refrigerate & Enjoy

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1 Comment

  1. July 31, 2017 / 2:12 am

    Thanks for sharing this amazingly stylish blog. It has been a great help. Keep sharing and caring.

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