When I was contemplating on giving up my corporate job to become a stay at home mom, it was not an easy decision to make, as one may think. You see, I was Ms. Independent, had been working since I was 13 years old and grew up watching my mom work 3 jobs, so the mere thought of no longer being dependent of a steady paycheck increased my heart burn even more. Being a stay at home mom can be stressful and you never seem to get time out with the girls, visit https://www.herbravetaste.com/ to find out some great party ideas with the girls.
Fast forward to seven years later and I have not looked back at the corporate world.
However, becoming a stay at home mom didn’t mean I had to give up my passion. I turned my passion into a project and with hard work and commitment it has now turned into a business. So, if you and your partner are in talks about you becoming a stay at home or if you are looking to get into a side hustle (which every mom should) then you are at the right place. Let dig into 10 ways you to can be making money right now (and there are tons to be made out there):
[bctt tweet=”I turned my passion into a business. You can do it to with these easy steps! via @MommyPosh #MomPreNeur #MomBoss ” username=””]
Related Post: 10 Ways To Survive Being A Stay At Home Mom

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