Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life. Nurturing and growing this new person can certainly feel amazing. During this time, you want to make sure that you are feeding yourself and your developing baby the best possible foods. To help keep you both safe, the following are some foods and beverages which are NOT safe for consumption during pregnancy:
Alcohol: There seems to be a lot of news lately about having a drink or two during pregnancy, but there are warning labels on beer, wine, and alcohol bottles for a reason. Drinking during pregnancy can lead to frightening complications for your baby. It’s best to shelf any drinking until after your baby arrives.
Related Post: Drinking While Pregnant
Raw eggs: Not that many of us normally consume these in our diets, but they are used in the some of the homemade dressings for Caesar salads and homemade milkshakes and ice-cream. Raw eggs can contain the bacteria salmonella and can make you very sick. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. Just remember that any eggs consumed should be fully cooked. View Post