With the warm summer months among us, barbecued sloppy Joes and hearty beach burgers can become regulars on the menu. Lazy summer days make it easy to skimp on the healthy foods and simply say, “I’ll add ‘eating healthy’ to my New Years Resolutions in 6 months.” However, with fresh seasonal foods making a debut this season, summer is the perfect time to eat clean—not only for yourself, but for your children, too! Take a look at the following healthy habits you should develop this summer. Feel free to print it, tape it to the fridge, and live by it!
Healthy Habit #1: Portion control is everything.
Many people lose weight and keep it off with the simple strategy of portion control. Eliminating or even limiting certain foods is hard during the summer time, but it’s even harder on your waistline if you don’t. To combat this dilemma, do the next best thing: eat reasonably small portions, limit the foods you know you should limit (yes, that means skipping out on those greasy burgers), and don’t stuff yourself.
Healthy Habit #2: Set a good example.
If you are bringing a dish to a summer party or barbecue, bring a naturally nutritious dish or make a low-fat version. This way, you’re not only giving yourself a healthy option, but you’re giving partygoers the option to eat healthier. If you have children, do not overeat in front of them. You are their role model and if you eat in moderation, they too will follow that lead. Also, don’t feel obligated to eat anything that you don’t want to. No one is going to get upset if you don’t try their frosted chocolate cupcake if it means helping you meet your lifestyle goals. View Post