Trying to organize my life nowadays is not an easy task, so let alone trying to organize my family momentos can sometimes get lost in the shuffle, so with the help of  Pinterest, I decided to carve out a few extra moments this weekend and look for some inspiration! Here are a few of my favorites and tips on how to style your own bookcase….

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Happy Friday!! I’m excited to be co-hosting today’s Fab Favorites Link Up! It’s a great way to meet other fellow bloggers and to share what we love..So link up anything… one of your previous posts that you like, or a post about your favorite things. It could be anything!

So since today is Friday..what better way than to share with you my favorite Friday causal looks….What’s you favorite causual Friday pieces? 

Item Details: Splendid Very Light Jersey Cardigan | Jean ShortsBeltRayban Aviator Sunglasses | Fitted White ShirtCrossbody Leather Purse | Lip Balm Sneakers Hair Barrette | Stella & Dot Necklaces

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Style Elixir (Follow here!)    |    River City Chic (Follow here!)    |    Fleurani (Follow here!)
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Pearls and Peacocks (Follow here!)    |    Mommy Posh (Follow here!)    |    Janelle In Real Life (Follow here!)


Friday’s Fab Favorites Link Up:

1.  Please follow your Host Lauren from Style Elixir (via Bloglovin’) and your fabulous Co-Hosts…

Alicia from River City Chic (follow via Bloglovin’

Ani from Fleurani (follow via Bloglovin’)

Kanae from Pearls and Peacocks (follow via Bloglovin’)

Gina from Mommy Posh (follow via Facebook)
Janelle from Janelle In Real Life (follow via Bloglovin’)

2.  Link up anything… it could be one of your previous posts that you like, or a post about your favorite things!

3.  Please include a link back to this post within your post (because it’s such a nice thing to do!)
4.  Now simply add your link below! We hope you all enjoy meeting other boggers and discovering some new things. 
5.  If you would like to Co-Host Friday’s Fab Favorites, email for more details! 
Join The Link Up Now!



As a parent you know that everything costs money. From diapers, formula, clothes, back to school supplies, and even those Band-Aid brand bandages that you trust to keep your child’s boo boos clean and healing.  Well Band-Aid’s famous jingle is a song we all know and if your kids are old enough they probably sing along when it comes on the television.  If you think your singing child has the Stuck On Me jingle down why not enter by September 2 them singing the jingle for a chance to win a $5000 Toys R Us gift card?  That will buy more than a few Band-Aids! Check out their contest page on Facebook for all the details and how to enter:

Check out YouTube singer and vlogger Eva Ricci do her best to belt out the jingle.




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Mom’s we need to stay motivated….So here are some cute tips that I found from across the web that can help….






As a busy mommyista, it’s not always easy to carve a whole week out of my schedule JUST FOR ME. However, whenever a friend or a family member offers to watch the kids, I take full advantage of it.  Of course an entire week or even a month may be great for some solo R&R, but who are we kidding??  All said and done, we can’t bear the thought of staying away from our babies.  So today I’m sharing these five ideas on how you can decompress and recharge your batteries, plus a giveaway that will surely put you in the that oh-so special mood:


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