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Mommy Posh loves meeting Mommy Bloggers, here are a few that have now been added to our POSH Links profile. Check back periodically as we highlight great articles from our new friends:

1. Live in the Austin, TX area? then meet Eliana of Mommy 2B Austin.  Eliana has great pregnancy tips and gives you the low down on what’s going on in the Austin area.

2.  Meet Tara of Baby-Momma Blog.  A great site to get parenting tips, tricks, and product reviews.

    If you are a mommy blogger, please do not hesitate to contact so that you can be added to the POSH Links column and have your post be featured here.


    This marks the unofficial end of summer. Do your plans involve one last family vacation with the family?  While having fun is your goal, don’t forget to keep your kids safe. Here are some some basic safety tips for you to keep in mind:

    • BBQ Season: Labor Day usually means grilling out. As much as your kids wants to be a part of the fun, remember safety first!  Always make sure that the barbecue is in a safe place, where kids won’t touch or bump into it. Keep in mind that the barbecue will still be hot after you finish cooking, and anyone contacting the barbecue could be burned.
    • Summer Safety for Kids: Although the end of summer is near, it’s still pretty darn hot in many parts of the country. Don’t forget to keep your kids cool and protected with sun screen at all times this weekend.
    • Car Safety Tips: Do not leave your kids unattended in a car!  Its just that simple!
    • Air Travel: Car seats are now allowed on flights.  Infants deserve the same protection as their parents.

    Hopefully, you are one of the lucky people who have Labor Day off. If so, enjoy your day off with the kids!


    Attention POSH Moms!

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    Ends: 9/6


    Labor Day Weekend Fun in Miami – Miami Munchkins

    Review: Crayola Wild Notes – Mom Confessionals

    You Know You are A Mommy When…. – Mommy in Surburbia

    13 Things I Hate Being A Single Mom – Rich Single Momma

    OctoMom for Prez – Baby Bregel – Bausum

    Labor Day Decorations – La Maison Charmante
