Not so long ago do I remember being pregnant during the hot summer months and boy oh boy was it a challenge! All I wanted to do was run around naked. So POSH Mammas-to-be, I know the feeling, so if indecent exposure is not up your alley then check out these tips for beating the heat!
– Keep hydrated. Keep an icy water bottle on hand when running errands, and eat snacks that provide hydration such as melons and cucumbers. Also being dehydrated can lead to urinary tract infections, a common ailment of pregnancy.
– Stay Indoors. With the baby on the way, you and your mate might be thinking of ways to stay on budget, but skimping on AC is not the way to go, especially when you have to endure the brutal heat. So turn on the AC, wear cool, lightweight clothing, kick back and enjoy some ME-time!
– Inhale/Exhale. Breathing is also an important factor in keeping cool. Breathing lets off heat, so make sure you have a good breathing pattern.
– Lather Up. Use a high SPF sunscreen. If you have fair skin, use SPF 30 or 45. Make sure your time in the sun is limited and don’t head out without sunscreen or, better yet, sunblock.