This proud mama just couldn’t wait to share with you my son’s first day at nursery school. Its a drop-off program for two hours, twice a week. I kept telling myself over and over again that this will be good for him and…ME and that Lil B needs to be around other kids so that he can learn socialization and other fun stuff associated with school, but closer and closer towards the date, did I started feeling this queasy, bubbling sensation in the pit of my stomach. Uh Uh my son is going to school…ahhhhh!!! What am I doing???!!
The night before, I planned out Lil B’s outfit, my outfit (of course!), shoe box filled with school supplies and of course a box of tissues – for me!
Thanks to Mabel’s Labels, a cool site for customized sticky and clothing labels, I left no area unmarked when it came to marking his territory, even down to his Pottery Barn Kids back pack!
I couldn’t sleep a wink since I was so anxious of my son meeting his new friends and teacher. Questions like Am I doing the right thing? Am I staring him too soon? kept clogging my mind for hours on end.
Morning finally arrived and I couldn’t wait…after fighting to feed Lil B oatmeal, we then headed out to school. Being the first one to arrive (yes I am one of those) I had Lil B pose for several pics. Of course, Lil B not understanding what this hoopla was about, I realized that I had no reason to be nervous. And I was right, Lil B now has new friends that are just as cute as he and are to settling into new territory.
Well, Day 1 went off without a hitch..let’s see what’s in store for Day 2..stay tuned for more updates and pics on my son’s adventures in Nursery School.