This week’s POSH MOM OF THE WEEK is a MOM after my own heart..she loves reality TV, married to a techie and wrting is her passion…I think I’ve found my doppelgänger…Ok, you be the judge…Let’s welcome Tiffany Fulcher, the Founding-Editor of, a site dedicated to fashion, relationship, cool gadgets and much much more.
MommyPosh: Tell us about yourself. Your Family.
Tiffany Fulcher: I am a wife, mother, writer and educator. I write for several outlets, including my blog I am also an instructor part-time at a community college and teach a college writing class. If I were not a teacher and a writer I would probably be in the fashion industry because I love clothes…lol! I also love anything vintage, art, literature, and music. I am kind of like a hippie but I have to be free spirited while wearing Gucci shoes…lol!
I have been married for nine years and have 3 beautiful children. My husband is my exact opposite, a techie with a personality to match. Two girls Sydnei 8 the diva and Symone 16mons the boss who really runs the family and a son Trey age 4 ½ who is Mr. Personality.
MP: You are a mom, a wife, a woman – what do you take most pride in?
TF: I would have to say that I take great pride in being a wife. I thoroughly enjoy the relationship I have with my spouse. If it weren’t for his love and support I couldn’t be the mother that I am. He knows me so well and takes such great care of our family. I appreciate the opportunity to be by his side as a life partner. He truly balances me out. We are very different but compliment each other quite well. It’s an exciting journey!
MP: How would you describe yourself as a mom?
TF: I am very hands on with my kids. I love them dearly and try to be very present with them. I love being in the moment! I spend a lot of time and energy teaching, encouraging, laughing, and playing with them. I want the best for them so I do have high expectations, however I try to reach them where they are individually and not look at them as a collective group.
MP: Tell us about your blog –
TF: is my baby, I love to write. Recently the site has been more momcentric focusing on subjects most moms will find interesting. I do however write about relationships, religion, politics, reality tv…lol! I write about it all it’s my daily musings of life from my perspective.
I was inspired to launch the site when I became a stay at home mom after my son was born. I needed an outlet and started writing. I started reading other blogs and decided hey I can do this…TiffanyFulcher was born. I have been writing every since! Next year will be 5 years…wow time has really flown by.