100 {Learning} Things To This Summer With The Kids

Summer is finally here, yay!  The kids are in their glory right now, from pool playdates, firework displays to the enjoyment of staying up late, so when I had to break the news to the kiddies that we must begin to prepare for school all I heard were moans and groans.  Raise your hand if this is happening to you?

So today, I am sharing with you a few of my very own (cleaver) learning tricks, favorite learning links and website to include throughout your summer daily schedule.


We all know that confidence is key to success in school and enjoying the experience of learning. So why not begin the prep for what’s to come??!


learning sitesDon’t have access to the internet?….Then try these fun games:

I-Spy – A classic car game! It is a great way to work on colors, shapes, letters, numbers and vocabulary. “I spy with my little eye…..(insert something you see!). The other players guess. You can play using things in the car as well as outside as long as the things outside the car will stick around long enough to be guessed!

ABC Game – Just start at the beginning of the alphabet and go in order! You can choose to either look for the letter or something that begins with that letter.

20 Questions – Another classic but JDaniel4’s Mom explains that there are totally Learning Benefits to Playing 20 Questions! She has a great kid-friendly way to play and I cannot wait to play with my kids!

MAKE your own “map” of where you are going.
Draw your own map, one that has the major stops and cities, and a nice happy drawing for your final destination. Throw in a few simple drawings of landmarks you’ll see along the way, such as a big bridge you’ll or a mountain tunnel. A home made map is easy for kids to follow and gives them a clearer picture of how much further there is to go. If your kids are old enough and it’s a trip that you take frequently, have the kids make their own map!

Tell Jokes
Take turns telling silly jokes like Knock-knock jokes or riddles. This is especially fun when the kids use their creativity to make up their own jokes. Even a two-year-old can tell jokes! They may not make sense, but they sure are hilarious.

Summer is also a time to for rejuvenation, so I don’t stress your little ones too much…simply check off these to-dos this summer while adding a little learning along the way.

100 things to do this summer



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